Continuous Jun/Kombucha Brew EZ-Upkeep Video Series (Online Access)

(23 customer reviews)


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Continuous Jun/Kombucha Brew EZ-Upkeep Video Series (Online Access)

In this Brew EZ-Upkeep Series, The Kombucha Mamma walks you through everything you need to know about maintaining your Continuous Brewer including:

  • When and how often to maintain the brewer
  • How to recognize degrading culture
  • Safety in handling the culture
  • What to do when you go on vacation
  • How to trim the culture with scissors
  • And many more.

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23 reviews for Continuous Jun/Kombucha Brew EZ-Upkeep Video Series (Online Access)

  1. Frederick Orndorff

    Frederick (Dumfries, VA)
    While pretty straightforward – these videos provide the basic steps necessary to have a safe and great brew, every time!!

  2. Ofelina Gutierrez (Woodstock GA)

    The free set up and maintenance videos for the Modern Porcelain No Frills kit are a great help. Also the customer service people are very quick, nice and patient to respond with any of the questions that I had.

  3. Laura B (Williamsburg, VA)

    If you are a visual learner or an analytical person who knows they need to do everything exactly right or else be displeased, this is perfect for you. I didnt want to spend money only to ruin my booch using the wrong advice. Kombucha mama has not led me astray – she knows what shes doing!!

  4. Allison (Knoxville, TN)

    Watching this video before starting my continuous brew was invaluable in helping me understand the whole process better. Between the videos and the Complete Handbook, I cannot imagine any issue not covered.

  5. Nancy Cobb

    I started reading your info and watching the videos you have done to educate myself on this process and they are SO helpful!

  6. Erin Haug (Lake City, FL)

    These videos were very informative. I love the way they are broken up into different sections so I can go to what I need. I watched them all and they were short and to the point. These are great videos for anyone looking to learn more about continuous brewing.

  7. Clint (Gillette, WY)

    Great videos

  8. Tracy K

    Great videos! These are so helpful! Thanks, Hannah! You’re the best!

  9. Lily Shanks (Okla city, Okla

    For me being a beginner. These videos are a must. I love Hanna how you did them in short videos on each section. So easy and helpful to look down thru to find what I need Or use them to refresh my mine before going to do another step.

  10. Robin

    Very informative videos! The only confusion I ever had about brewing was how to use the CB the way it is intended. After viewing these videos, I don’t think I’m going to go into the feast or famine mode with my brews!

  11. Linda – Virginia Beach, VA

    I like having this video available to view more than once. I don’t always remember what I am to do so I go back and rewatch the video. It is setup in a way that is very organized and to the point. VERY HELPFUL ☺

  12. Sharon Fan

    Very easy to follow. It put me at ease. Really helpful for newbies like me. 🙂

  13. Stephanie Blackton (Charlottesville, VA)

    These videos were really helpful to have too. I have the page bookmarked so I can review when it’s time to clean my continuous brewer. Simple, easy steps. Well done!

  14. Regina from Kansas

    The upkeep videos were very informative and easy to understand. They gave me the confidence I needed as a new brewer to see this process is not rocket scientist material, but is something I’m very capable of doing. Everyone that brews with continuous brewing needs Hannah’s knowledge. 🙂

  15. nancy de groote(Belgium)

    Hey, hannah. I buyd al two of the video and i realy love it

  16. Jessica Draper

    These videos are so helpful! I really need visuals for learning so I highly recommend! 🙂

  17. Thomas Presley

    I am a SHOW ME type of guy, not a tell me. For me, a picture/video is often worth a lot more than a thousand words. Once again, you have rung the bell. I chose You (Kombucha Kamp) because you leave nothing to guess work. See you at the next Farm to Fermentation Festival.

  18. Anna Strathman (Lee Vining, CA)

    Yours is definitely one of the best websites ever! Reread the guide and watched the video – extremely helpful. New batch starting today, Lots of yeastie biits which I imagine might have been part of the change in taste. Layers beginning to form on the original babies I got from you.

    I really do believe in this stuff. As someone with ms I am pretty obsessive about what I put into my body. Don’t know if it’s luck, meds., lots of exercise or the kombuch, but I have managed pretty well. Probably a combo of all thing,s yet I do know that kombucha does play a big role in my healing process. Thanks again!

  19. Kirk Hayes (Houston, TX)

    Thank you for such a good course in your online videos. It made all the set-up great. Thanks alot.

  20. Barbara in S Oregon

    The book and the videos have been a great combination in my learning process about making and enjoying Kambucha. Videos show so much. I can see that so much care has been taken to create informative videos that are divided up so that a viewer can find exactly the desired topic. I watch them all!

  21. Brenda (United Kingdom)

    The videos are very clear and easy to follow. Like the other reviewer I found it really helpful to see Hannah cutting the scobies – I will definitely be re-watching these sections when I come to clean out my brewer.

  22. Susan Reed

    I love the Upkeep videos! They are enjoyable to watch and they explain everything perfectly! I was wondering how I was going to keep making Kombucha without taking out my scoby and I am very excited that it is so simple! Thank you for making this so easy!

  23. Michael Anderson (Altanta, GA)

    Same as with the Set Up videos, these are short and sweet and to the point. Lots of good information, not a lot of extra stuff. I did watch these a few times to get the hang of cutting the scobies the first time. It was nice to be able to come back to them.

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