With Kombucha FUNdamentals, you will get a life-changing, health-boosting, confidence-building experience that will leave you feeling happier and healthier – naturally! Make your own Kombucha for pennies on the dollar compared to the store-bought stuff!
Visit Kombucha FUNdamentals
If you want to learn how to make your own fermented drinks to maximize health benefits, then you are going to enjoy Hannah’s recipes as well as her wit, inspiring stories, and nutritional guidance in this fermentation course. The Kombucha FUNdamentals course will show you how to make DIY Kombucha -from traditional to modern methods, and it will guide you through every step of the process, including perfecting the fizz and flavor.
In this course you will learn:
- The Who, the Why and the How of Kombucha
- Deciphering Commercial Kombucha Labels
- How to Brew Your First Batch of Kombucha
- Kombucha Brewing Ingredients & Supplies
Kombucha tea fermentation has been consumed for thousands of years. This fermented drink health benefits have been gaining more and more popularity, even though it isn’t exactly new.
Kombucha is tasty and has the same health benefits as tea! Additionally, it contains antioxidants and can kill harmful bacteria as well as being rich in probiotics. This is an incredible product.
In this video Kombucha Mamma joined by mereleigh food & kirsten shockey of @thefermentationschool to share their passion for elevating women’s voices, providing income & spreading the love of fermentation to all who are eager to learn.
- 4:20 Kirsten and Meredith are joining us from The Fermentation School!
- 5:46 Did you know Hannah Crum literally wrote the book on Kombucha?
- 9:24 Check out Kirsten’s books here!
- 10:58 Check out Meredith’s books here!
- 13:04 What is The Fermentation School?
- 17:44 Did you know that Kombucha Kamp is a woman-owned business?
- 22:11 Did you know that The Big Book of Kombucha is available en español?
- 31:30 How do you self-care when you’re feeling stressed?
- 45:30 Want to find out more about how Hannah became the Kombucha Mamma?
- 47:45 Follow The Fermentation School on Instagram!
- 48:21 Want to find out more about Meredith’s work?
- 48:31 Check out Kirsten’s projects on her site!
- 49:00 Sign up for The Fermentation School’s newsletter!